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2017 Encounters

Encounter #106 - Dec 16, 2017
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Date: 16-Dec-17

Sequence: 1

Encounter Number: 106

Enc Start Time: 13:57

Enc End Time: 15:27

Vessel: Morning Star

Observers: Dave Ellifrit, Melisa Pinnow, Jane Cogan, Tom Cogan

Pods or ecotype: T30Bs, T75s, T77s

Location: Strait of Juan de Fuca

Begin Lat/Long: 48 21.646/123 12.841

End Lat/Long: 48 18.263/123 05.305


Encounter Summary:

On the afternoon of 16-Dec-2017, reports started coming in of whales south of Trial Island in the Strait of Juan de Fuca. Dave, Melisa, Jane, and Tom headed down to Snug Harbor and left aboard "Morning Star" at 1300. At 1357, “Morning Star” arrived on scene with the T30Bs, T75s, and T77s slowly traveling southbound a few miles east of Constance Bank.

For the entire encounter the T75s and T77s traveled in a tight group together. The T30Bs generally paralleled the T75s and T77s by a few hundred yards but would occasionally move back over to join them for a few minutes before splitting off again. It did not appear that any kills were made during the encounter. The encounter was ended at 1527 as the whales picked up speed and continued south toward Admiralty Inlet.

Photos taken under whale watch guidelines.

© 2018 Center for Whale Research.

The Center for Whale Research is a 501c3 nonprofit organization registered in Washington State.

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Photos were taken under
NMFS Permit #15569 and/or DFO license SARA388.

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