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2017 Encounters

Encounter #57 - July 25, 2017


Photo by Mark Malleson



Photo by Mark Malleson



Photo by Mark Malleson



Photo by Mark Malleson



Photo by Mark Malleson



Photo by Mark Malleson



Photo by Mark Malleson



Photo by Mark Malleson



Photo by Mark Malleson



Photo by Mark Malleson


for Orcas

We appreciate your support.

Date: 25-July-17

Sequence: 1

Encounter Number: 57

Enc Start Time: 10:18

Enc End Time: 14:10

Vessel: Mike 1

Observers: Mark Malleson, Hanna Malleson, Pierre Magnusson, Eva Magnusson

Pods or ecotype: Lpod

Location: Papa Alpha

Begin Lat/Long: 48 12.3/123 27.5

End Lat/Long: 48 19.3/123 57.9


Encounter Summary:

Hanna, myself and her parents departed Victoria harbour on Mike 1 at 0900 in search of whales.
I had heard that the 19 L's that had been around the last couple of days were heard just before midnight on the LK hydrophone after being up north with J's. I decided to head towards the west in hopes they were still in range. We looped south of Race Rocks and then started heading west out the Juan de Fuca. When I heard that a couple of the whale watching boats out of Victoria were well west of Sooke and hadn't found anything I decided to turn and head east towards Dungeness in the event that they had stalled out during the night as they had a large flood to contend with. As I was approaching Papa Alpha I received a call that killer whales had been located a couple of miles east of us spread out west bound. A few minutes later we came across L103 and L123 and could see they were spread out laterally for a mile moving quickly with the building ebb current averaging 7 knots. We were able to photograph close to half of them but decided to end the encounter at 1115 and go to Sooke for a lunch break as there were a fair number of whale watch boats on scene.
We left Sooke harbour at 1340 to relocate the westbound L's and within 15 minutes spotted a whale watch boat off of Otter Point. They were still spread out but now a little over a mile with some along the shoreline at Otter Point to the furthest offshore animal, L92. They were still moving steady westbound at 5 knots when we ended the encounter at 1410 to go searching for humpbacks.

Photos taken under Federal Permits
NMFS PERMIT: 15569-01/ DFO SARA 388

© 2018 Center for Whale Research.

The Center for Whale Research is a 501c3 nonprofit organization registered in Washington State.

All rights reserved. No part of the material found on this website may be reproduced or utilized in any form, or by any means, without the prior written consent of the Center for Whale Research.  All members of CWR are non-voting members. 
Photos were taken under
NMFS Permit #15569 and/or DFO license SARA388.

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