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2017 Encounters

Encounter #95 - Oct 8, 2017

Photo by Mark Malleson

Photo by Mark Malleson

Photo by Mark Malleson

Photo by Mark Malleson

Photo by Mark Malleson

Photo by Mark Malleson

Photo by Mark Malleson

Photo by Mark Malleson

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Date: 08-October-17


Encounter Number:95

Enc Start Time: 15:01

Enc End Time: 16:46

Vessel: Mike 1

Observers: Mark Malleson, Aza Mather/Malleson

Pods or ecotype: Transients

Location: Constance Bank

Begin Lat/Long: 48 20.2/123 19.1

End Lat/Long: 48 19.4/123 21.7


Encounter Summary:

I had received a photograph from Jeff Friedman of an animal that was found along with another group south of Discovery Island earlier in the day which looked like U39 but I wasn't 100%. There were other animals also reported traveling with him so I decided to head out on Mike 1 to confirm.
My niece and I left Victoria Harbour at 1440 and arrived on scene within 20 minutes to see U039 traveling west with the T046B's within a half mile spread out in two groups. T046B1's were over half a mile to the south of the rest of the group when they made a quick chase on what I assume was a seal. They all joined up and started prey sharing at 48 19.2/123 21.1. U039 was on the outskirts less than a mile away (48 19.2/123 21.9) and seemed as though he was waiting for them while they ate. He did a few lazy tail lobs. We ended the encounter at 1646.

Notes-Comments:U039 had fresh rake marks along the leading edge of his dorsal fin.

Photos taken under Federal Permits
NMFS PERMIT: 15569-01/ DFO SARA 388

© 2018 Center for Whale Research.

The Center for Whale Research is a 501c3 nonprofit organization registered in Washington State.

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Photos were taken under
NMFS Permit #15569 and/or DFO license SARA388.

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