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2018 Encounters

Encounter #58 - Aug 15, 2018
T2C and T2C4

T2C and T2C4

Photo by Michael Weiss

T2C1 and T2C4

T2C1 and T2C4

Photo by Michael Weiss

T2C T2C1 and T2C3

T2C T2C1 and T2C3

Photo by Michael Weiss

the T2Cs

the T2Cs

Photo by Dave Ellifrit

T2C and T2C4

T2C and T2C4

Photo by Dave Ellifrit



Photo by Dave Ellifrit



Photo by Dave Ellifrit



Photo by Michael Weiss

T2C4 and T2C1

T2C4 and T2C1

Photo by Dave Ellifrit

The Southern Resident orcas need your help like never before. For these whales to survive, and for their community to grow, they need us to be their voice.
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Date: 15-Aug-18

Sequence: 1

Encounter Number: 58

Enc Start Time: 14:25

Enc End Time: 16:25

Vessel: Orcinus

Observers: Dave Ellifrit, Michael Weiss, Darren Croft, Mia Reynolds

Pods or ecotype: Transients

Location: Beaumont Shoal

Begin Lat/Long: 48 26.27 / 123 12.26

End Lat/Long: 48 29.22 / 123 11.02


Encounter Summary:

Reports of several groups of transients in inland waters had come in earlier in the day. At 1400, the team left the dock to intercept a group of whales composed of the T65As and a pair of unidentified animals. As the team was in transit, the identity of the two unidentified whales was confirmed as the T100s, as the group moved further away from the researchers.
Rather than pursue that group, the team diverted to another group of whales reported off Discovery Island. They arrived on scene at 1425 with the T2Cs, a group of 5 whales, T2C and her four offspring. The whales were in a tight resting formation, traveling slowly from Beaumont Shoal to San Juan Island.
T2C2, the second oldest offspring, has a pronounced spinal deformity. He traveled a bit behind the rest of the group for the majority of the encounter but did occasionally catch up and join the main group. The whales were in a consistent pattern of 3 to 4 breaths, followed by a long dive. T2C2 took 1 to 3 more breaths than the rest of the group on each sequence. The team stayed with the group until 1645, as they continued their slow movement towards San Juan Island.

Photos taken under Federal Permits


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