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2019 Encounters

Encounter #18 - Mar 18, 2019
T124A6, T124A, and T101

T124A6, T124A, and T101

Photo by Melisa Pinnow

T90 and T124A

T90 and T124A

Photo by Melisa Pinnow

T124A3A and T124A4

T124A3A and T124A4

Photo by Melisa Pinnow



Photo by Melisa Pinnow

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The Southern Resident orcas need your help like never before.
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Date: 18-Mar-19

Sequence: 2

Encounter Number: 18

Enc Start Time: 18:10

Enc End Time: 18:35

Vessel: Morning Star

Observers: Melisa Pinnow, Jane Cogan, Tom Cogan

Pods or ecotype: Transients

Location: Georgia Strait

Begin Lat/Long: 48 54.095/-123 17.939

End Lat/Long: 48 50.972/-123 13.079

Encounter Summary:

“Morning Star” had just finished Encounter 17 in Howe Sound and was crossing Georgia Strait to head back home. Upon was nearing the entrance to Active Pass, many blows were spotted to the south at 1810. “Morning Star” headed from Georgina Point over toward Edith Point to investigate.

The whales were spread out in small groups and quickly heading south. T102 was the first whale identified. T90B, T101A and T101B were also nearby. Inshore of them was the largest group which consisted of T90, T90C, T90D, T101, T124A, and T124A6. “Morning Star” moved between the groups for proof of presence shots and ended the encounter at 1835 as the whales continued south in the Strait of Georgia, off Georgeson Island.

Photos taken under Be Whale Wise Guidelines

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