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Encounter #28 - June 22, 2023
T85s and T46B1A

T85s and T46B1A

Copyright © 2023 Center for Whale Research

T46C2 belly flop

T46C2 belly flop

Copyright © 2023 Center for Whale Research

T46B1 and T46C2

T46B1 and T46C2

Copyright © 2023 Center for Whale Research

cartwheel and belly flop

cartwheel and belly flop

Copyright © 2023 Center for Whale Research

T46C2, T46B1C, and T46B1

T46C2, T46B1C, and T46B1

Copyright © 2023 Center for Whale Research



Copyright © 2023 Center for Whale Research



Copyright © 2023 Center for Whale Research



Copyright © 2023 Center for Whale Research

the T46B1s

the T46B1s



Copyright © 2023 Center for Whale Research



Copyright © 2023 Center for Whale Research



Copyright © 2023 Center for Whale Research

Your financial support makes our work possible





ObservBegin:01:05 PM

ObservEnd:03:06 PM


Staff:Dave Ellifrit, Michael Weiss

Other Observers:Federica Spina, Alyssa Kelley


LocationDescr: Southern Haro Strait, eastern Strait of Juan de Fuca

Start Latitude:48 23.22

Start Longitude:122 55.68

End Latitude:48 15.71

End Longitude:122 59.79



The team was working in the office when we heard about a group of Bigg’s killer whales coming down Rosario Strait and around the bottom of Lopez Island. Since it was a nice day, and at least some of the whales present were not regular visitors (the T85s) to the area this time of year, we decided to go out to get some ID photos and drone footage. We gathered our gear, met at Snug Harbor, and left in the boat at 1222. We arrived on scene at 1305 off the western edge of MacArthur Bank. 

The whales were loosely spread out and traveling quickly south-southwest. A single easternmost whale, or possibly a pair, sped past us and away. A chance photo revealed it to be T137D. T137B had also been reported to have been present earlier. T85 and T85D were the next easternmost whales and they also sped past. This pair soon came back to the rest of the group and all the whales tightened up some. The other whales were the T46B1s, T46C2, and T85B and everyone pointed westerly for a little while before they stopped to mill for a couple of minutes. After the whales finished milling they began heading quickly southwest for another ten or so minutes before stopping again to mill. After another five minutes of intense milling, the whales began traveling quickly again, this time to the south-southwest. Shortly thereafter, the whales started a short breaching extravaganza with many belly flops, cartwheels, and breaches. We had the drone in the air at the time and post encounter analysis revealed that someone had caught a seal-probably during the last milling session. The seal was passed around and shared as the whales continued traveling southwest. There was one more brief episode of milling before the whales commenced traveling again, doing some zig-zags between southwest and south-south west. We ended the encounter at 1506 near Eastern Bank. On the way home we found a single humpback whale off False Bay. It was pointed north towards Pile Point but was not surfacing much or fluking so we soon left it and headed home.

Photos taken under Federal Permits


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