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Encounter #56 - Sept 22, 2023
T36A and T36A3

T36A and T36A3

Copyright © 2023 Center for Whale Research

T36A1 and T36A1A

T36A1 and T36A1A

Copyright © 2023 Center for Whale Research



Copyright © 2023 Center for Whale Research

T36A1, T36A1A, and T36A5

T36A1, T36A1A, and T36A5

Copyright © 2023 Center for Whale Research



Copyright © 2023 Center for Whale Research

Humpback in Spieden Channel

Humpback in Spieden Channel

Copyright © 2023 Center for Whale Research

Your financial support makes our work possible





ObservBegin:08:35 AM

ObservEnd:09:45 AM

Other Vessel:Sweet Revenge

Staff:Michael Weiss

Other Observers:Sarah Hart


LocationDescr:Spieden Channel/Flat Top

Start Latitude:48 37.50

Start Longitude:123 09.00

End Latitude:48 39.80

End Longitude:123 04.30



Michael was coming back to San Juan Island after staying the night on Orcas, and was giving Sarah a ride back as well. While passing through Spieden Channel at 08:11, the team spotted a humpback whale, and briefly slowed down to photograph the whale's flukes before continuing on. As the team continued west, they saw several more blows, and realized there were two groups of killer whales in the channel.

The team started with the more northern group of three individuals. After a single distant pass, the whales took a deep dive, so the team decided to head towards the larger group to the south. It was only after reviewing the photos later in the office that the team IDed this first group of whales as the T28As. While the team saw the whales continue east along the north side of Spieden, they never re-acquired this group after moving to the more southernly whales.

The southern group of whales turned out to be the T36As. This group hugged the southern shoreline of Spieden Channel, before briefly turning south when they entered San Juan Channel. After one sequence, they made a big turn and started heading north towards Flat Top.

The team followed along, and the whales briefly sped up, porpoising north. As they neared Flat Top, the whales slowed down, and it became clear they were chasing a harbor porpoise. The team watched as the whales cornered the porpoise, knocking it into the air before presumably making the kill.

T36A1, T36A1A, and T36A5 stayed offshore while the other whales went in shore, checking out a few coves presumably looking for more prey items. The whales then continued northwest. The circled circled Gull Rock, and then turned to the northeast towards White Rock. The whales finally grouped up and surfaced consistently enough for a solid photo-ID pass. After getting everyone on camera, the team called the encounter at 09:45 and headed home.


Photos taken under Federal Permits


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